Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power Of Attorney Solicitors

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) can be complex and require specialist legal advice. Our lawyers are experienced in advising clients on their options when it comes to assigning LPAs and ensuring that their wishes are properly applied. You have a number of options as to who you appoint and how your attorneys should act. We will explain all the choices available to you and make sure you are left with a decision that gives you peace of mind.

Professional Legal Advice Appointing Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is crucial to your peace of mind, ensuring that you have appointed a trusted individual or representative to make decisions in your best interests.

An LPA grants you the power to ensure that you have nominated somebody to make essential decisions in line with your wishes if you cannot manage your affairs.

The Law Firm Group professional consultants provide comprehensive guidance to ensure you have absolute control over your LPA arrangements, including choosing between Personal Welfare and Property and Affairs LPAs.

Professional advice is vital since LPA documentation must meet rigorous legal analysis to be upheld in the courts and avoid unfavourable outcomes where your decision-making rights are devolved.

Our Lasting Power of Attorney Services

Many people avoid putting an LPA nomination in place, assuming that if they become unwell, their next of kin will have the automatic right to decide on factors such as healthcare treatments.

Unfortunately, without an LPA, there is no assurance that this will be the case.

The Law Firm Group is available to ensure you have a robust LPA agreement, protecting your welfare and safeguarding your future.

Our teams will recommend an appropriate LPA depending on your circumstances and requirements, for example:

    • Property and Affairs LPAs, or PALPA agreements, determine the outcome of decisions such as claiming benefit income, selling a property and managing your assets and finances.
    • Personal Welfare LPAs, or PWLPA agreements, grant Power of Attorney to somebody to help decide where you will live, your medical treatment, and provide for your daily care.

Putting an LPA in place far ahead of any possible age-related conditions or health issues is strongly advisable.

This simple process can resolve many difficult outcomes, such as having a joint bank account frozen when one signatory cannot manage the account.

The Value of Professional LPA Legal Guidance

It is impossible to overstate how important an LPA could be for your future. In many cases, we might recommend appointing two trusted individuals to ensure you have risk mitigation in place.

Your appointed LPA can be a family member or a professional representative and independent legal advice is valuable to judge what authority you wish to grant each attorney and where you need to implement limitations.

The skilled LPA teams at The Law Firm Group will steer you through each of these elements, navigating the complexities of LPA law to ensure your provisions are made with the benefit of years of legal experience.

Expert Lasting Power of Attorney Advice

LPAs can only be used once appropriately registered and implemented by your attorneys immediately should the need arise.

However, you cannot create an LPA once unwell, or if a scenario has arisen, that means you need to appoint somebody to help manage your finances or personal affairs.

Therefore, it is prudent to structure a sound, legally valid LPA agreement as far in advance as possible, giving you confidence that you will be protected should anything happen.

With so many factors to developing a bespoke LPA that fully recognises your wishes and needs, legal advice is essential to ensure your arrangement has been updated as necessary to comply with your current requirements.

Please contact The Law Firm Group at your convenience, whether you wish to explore the options to create a new LPA or revise your existing arrangements to mitigate any potential risk factors.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

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