Making a Will

Will Writing Service

Our Wills team have the experience and personal touch to make the process as painless as possible and leave you with the peace of mind that your legacy is protected. We can help you draft your Will and will ensure that provisions are put in place for the safekeeping of your finances, estates and assets. We will take the time to make sure we fully understand your specific circumstances and wishes, so we can help you plan your estate carefully.

Professional Will Drafting Advice

Creating a Will is an essential process to safeguard your savings and possessions for your intended heirs.

The Law Firm Group provides comprehensive support to ensure that you are confident that your Will provides for your family, avoiding potential disputes and undesirable estate distributions that do not recognise your choices.

Our professional team appreciates that writing a Will can be challenging, so ensure you have access to the breadth of our legal expertise to control what will happen to your estate.

Where there are crucial decisions to make, such as appointing guardians, we will work through the process step by step to help you make informed judgments for the future financial security of your loved ones.

Our Private Client Estate Management Services

Having a longstanding Will in place often means that this requires a legal review and an assessment to ensure you have the most appropriate type of Will.

For example, The Law Firm Group can tailor your Will writing advice in several ways, guiding our clients through:

    • Trust Wills to provide enhanced protection for your assets.
    • Mirror Wills to encompass mutual decisions between two parties.
    • Single Wills, ensuring all assets are covered comprehensively.
    • Lasting Power of Attorney, implementing protections to follow your preferences if you require a relative to make decisions.

The correct Will for your requirements may change, so it is also highly beneficial to seek a review when you wish to confirm whether your Will remains legally valid and enforceable or would like to amend how your estate is allocated.

Legal Guidance on Creating Your Will

There are several situations when legal advice is crucial to ensuring your Will has the desired outcomes, such as:

    • Sharing property and estate assets with an unmarried partner.
    • Providing for dependents that cannot organise their care.
    • The potential for multiple claimants.
    • Owning property or investments outside of the UK.
    • Complications around dual residency or tax residency.
    • Preparing for the dissemination of business assets.

The Law Firm Group Wills team can advise clients on these and any number of scenarios when you need assurances that your Will has been structured appropriately to bear out your intentions and protect your family members.

Bespoke Legal Will Support

Note that any alterations to your Will must be formally signed and witnessed to remain valid. Tailored legal advice is advisable, whether creating a Will for the first time or updating existing documentation to reflect necessary changes.

The process of writing a Will may itself be simple, but there are a substantial number of common pitfalls that result in a Will being unenforced or considered invalid.

For example, there are rules enabling dependents to claim against an estate if they feel that the provision made for them is not adequate, so building a Will with professional guidance protects against the possibility of a Will being overturned.

Please get in touch with The Law Firm Group at your convenience to schedule a private consultation to explore your intentions for your estate and the most suitable Will structure to achieve them.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Is your Will up to date?
Our Wills, Trusts & Probate Department offers a thorough, professional and personal service. Our specialised team will help you to plan for the future to ensure peace of mind for your loved ones.
Call us on 0300 303 3805 to discuss your requirements today.