What is Lasting Power of Attorney – And Why is it Worth Having?

What is Lasting Power of Attorney – And Why is it Worth Having?

Lasting power of attorney (or an LPA) is one of those legal documents that many people don’t think about until they need one – by which time it may be too late.

In brief, an LPA is a legal document that permits a designated person to make important decisions, and represent your interests, if you aren’t in a position to do so.

You might need an LPA if, for example, you are in hospital and cannot deal with banking transactions or because a medical professional deems that you do not have sufficient mental capacity to make personal decisions.

While we’d all hope never to experience any of these difficult circumstances, having an LPA means that choices around your finances, medical care and even what foods you eat are all delegated to somebody you trust.

Why Lasting Power of Attorney is an Important Safeguard

Many of us assume that if we’re ill or severely injured, the automatic right to decide what happens and what treatments we receive will pass to a spouse or next of kin.

Unfortunately, that isn’t true.

Even if you are married or in a civil partnership, a spouse does not automatically have the legal authority to decide how to deal with your bank account, healthcare or pensions.

In most cases, the Court of Protection will make those decisions, regardless of how the family feels or whether loved ones don’t support the legally binding outcomes.

The Varying Types of Power of Attorney Agreements

Creating an LPA doesn’t mean you are limited to creating one document, and there are different types:

    • Ordinary power of attorney allows somebody to manage your finances, such as if you are in hospital for a short stay or overseas and need somebody to act on your behalf.
    • Lasting power of attorney covers financial affairs, health and care. It comes into force if you can’t, or don’t wish to, make decisions, such as if you are in ill health or experience a loss of mental awareness.
    • Enduring power of attorney is the now superseded name for LPAs. If you have an EPA agreement dated before the change in 2007, it should normally remain valid.

You can have more than one attorney, but the caveat is that any such appointment must be made by a person who has sufficient understanding – you cannot retrospectively create an LPA.

Understanding the Scope of a Lasting Power of Attorney Agreement

Committing to allowing somebody to make key judgements about your preferences can be daunting.

Still, there is an option to structure your LPA to cover only those aspects of your life you want each named attorney to control.

For example, you can restrict the decisions an attorney is legally allowed to make or give them full authority to make choices on your behalf.

LPAs for Financial Affairs

You can opt to have an LPA for financial affairs that is active while you do have the capacity to make financial decisions – but you might want the option of deferring those decisions to your nominated person.

Alternatively, this LPA can come into effect only if you don’t have the capacity.

These LPAs cover:

    • Buying or selling your home or properties.
    • Paying a mortgage and bills.
    • Making or drawing on investments.
    • Organising property repairs.

Again, a solicitor can customise your LPA any way you wish, so you can restrict the decisions that are covered or leave it as an open financial LPA agreement.

You can request regular reports showing your overall wealth, how much of your money has been spent, and direct those summaries to a family member or a solicitor so you have oversight of the decisions made by your attorney.

LPAs for Healthcare Decisions

An LPA set up to cover healthcare and treatment decisions may only be enforced if you lose the capacity to decide. It covers:

    • Your living circumstances – whether you live in a care home or independently.
    • What care and treatments you receive.
    • The foods you eat, and how your nutritional needs are met.
    • Who you have contact with – i.e. who is permitted to visit you.
    • Social activities and events you participate in.

There is also the option of including special permissions in an LPA to cover critical decisions about life-saving treatment options, including putting or removing a DNR order in place.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Lasting Power of Attorney?

While decisions about who to appoint as your LPA should never be taken lightly, this agreement can:

    • Help you plan for the future with confidence that you have somebody there to advocate for you, knowing what choices you would have made.
    • Protect your finances and your family, ensuring that your loved ones will remain in control of your estate if you are unwell or incapacitated.
    • Clarify what you’d wish to happen to your finances, and in terms of your care, if you are ill or unable to make decisions.

Less than 1% of people in the UK have an LPA. Still, it can be hugely beneficial and mean that any decisions about protecting your welfare, safeguarding your assets and choosing outcomes that resonate with your wishes are legally secured.

What Happens Without a Lasting Power of Attorney?

As we mentioned briefly earlier, a partner or family member doesn’t automatically have any legal right to make decisions.

Without an LPA:

    • The court will appoint a deputy to make decisions about your finances and healthcare. Courts also dictate the scope of that decision-making power.
    • Family members must pay the courts a fee (currently £365) to apply to act as your deputy, plus a supervision fee if successful, which can cost from £35 to £320 a year. They will also need to pay £100 to be assessed at the outset.
    • The court can refuse applications for deputyship, in which it will appoint a public deputy of its choosing.
    • Your family will not be able to sell any assets, even if jointly owned, without applying to the court.

Therefore, creating an LPA at any stage of life is advisable and provides a significant safety net, should anything happen to you in the future.

We strongly advise you to work with an accomplished solicitor when drawing up an LPA since this document has considerable ramifications and must be carefully constructed to remain legally valid.

Please get in touch with The Law Firm Group if you’re interested in learning more about LPAs, or would like tailored advice about the best way to create an agreement that meets all of your requirements.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Understanding Legal Protection for Tenants in the UK Rental Market

Understanding Legal Protection for Tenants in the UK Rental Market

Understanding Legal Protection for Tenants in the UK Rental Market

The last year or so has been challenging for everybody and has led to much uncertainty in the private rental market.

  • What can landlords do to cope with the financial impact of late rent payments?
  • How are tenants protected from eviction if they are on furlough or have lost a job?
  • Who is responsible for mortgage interest or defaults in a non-payment scenario?

As in any situation, the starting point is always to understand the law, what support is in place, and go from there to find a fair resolution.

This guide collates answers to the most frequently asked questions we have received at The Law Firm Group over the last few months.

If you are having difficulties with your rental accommodation, we’d always recommend getting in touch, as the rules and guidelines do change rapidly.

What Eviction Notice am I Entitled to from a Private Landlord?

One of the significant changes of late has been an extension to the notice periods required.

If a landlord wishes to evict a tenant, under Section 8 due to non-payment of rent, before the pandemic hit our shores in March 2020, they would have needed to give just two weeks notice.

Further changes have increased the minimum notice period from three to six months, and these rules are set to remain in place until at least March 2021.

Landlords can also consider a Section 21 notice, which is called a ‘no-fault’ eviction. The same six-month notice period applies, and landlords need to provide information about how the pandemic has impacted their tenants.

There are some scenarios where these notice periods are not required:

  • Where the tenant is over six months in arrears with their rental payments.
  • There is evidence of illegal activity, or serious scenarios such as a tenant causing damage to the property or domestic abuse reports.

In a Section 8 notice filed due to arrears over six months, the notice period is reduced to four weeks.

Courts have also put in place delays and deferrals for many hearings, as they operate at a reduced capacity.

There are some cases where a remote hearing is available to expedite proceedings where an in-person hearing isn’t possible – please contact The Law Firm Group if you are facing any severe circumstances around an eviction. We will recommend the best steps forward.

Do Tenant Protections Work Against the Rights of Rental Landlords?

It’s a complex scenario. A landlord might be suffering a financial impact due to late rent payments from a tenant, but they cannot evict that tenant without giving a reasonably long notice period.

However, it’s worth considering the options available for landlords and property investors, and what they can do to support tenants struggling in an uncertain climate.

Landlords can:

  • Seek mortgage payment holidays from buy to let lending providers; there are rules about how many holidays you can request in any one year, and for what length of time. Still, most lenders have been understanding and offered non-standard options to help landlords support their tenants without ending up in a mortgage default.
  • Agree on rent holidays. The rent owing isn’t cancelled, but is deferred. This option is ideal where a tenant has suffered an income drop due to furlough scenarios or has been made redundant. In this situation, the tenant has a rent-free period to get their affairs in order and can agree to a repayment schedule with their landlord to bring things back up to date.
  • Ask for independent legal advice where an eviction notice is required, particularly where there is a very long period of non-payment of rent, and if this began before the pandemic. There are options available to protect the rights of landlords as well as tenants, and our property experts can advise.

We’d also recommend thinking about what amicable resolutions there are to protect tenants’ rights, without causing unnecessary suffering for the landlord.

There have been widespread job cuts across the UK. So in many cases, it is preferable to agree to a rent holiday, avoid losing an otherwise good tenant, and offer them some breathing space to find a new role, or apply for eligible benefits.

In any case:

  • Landlords may not evict a tenant without six months notice unless in exceptional circumstances.
  • Tenants have the right to request a payment holiday or a rent negotiation, although landlords do not necessarily have to agree.
  • Bailiffs are not operating during national lockdowns unless in critical cases, so they are unlikely to accept any new contracts until regular business resumes.

How Do the New Rules Impact a Commercial Property Lease?

As well as private tenants, commercial businesses renting their premises also have protection from eviction.

Many companies have been prevented from trading, or have had to scale back operations considerably. In most cases, furlough schemes offer up to 80% of employee’s pay, but some of the discretionary grants only scratch the surface of trading losses.

To help alleviate the pressure, the government announced a moratorium on commercial evictions until 31st December 2020. This has since been extended until 31st March 2021, in line with the new lockdown.

The rules mean that landlords and commercial tenants have a three-month window to discuss any non-payment of rent. That doesn’t mean that businesses can decide not to pay their rent, and they should definitely do so if they are financially able to.

However, it does mean that a company who has not been able to trade normally for the best part of a year cannot be evicted from private rental premises, at least until March 2021.

Alongside new legislation about evictions, the government has also announced that it will thoroughly review commercial landlord and tenancy laws.

We don’t yet have any detail about what that legislation review will look like, but will be sure to let you know when we do!

In both commercial and residential rental markets, the focus here is on facilitating more amicable negotiations, avoiding litigation or evictions, and helping landlords foster better communications with their tenants during challenging times.

If you are concerned about your rental property’s security, or are a landlord and struggling to implement the new rules, please get in touch with The Law Firm Group.

Our Property and Conveyancing Teams have years of experience in resolving such issues quickly, professionally and successfully. We’re here to help both in the coming months as we all adjust to the new laws as they are announced, and for the years to come.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Your Redundancy Rights, and How to Protect Your Employment Position

Your Redundancy Rights, and How to Protect Your Employment Position

Your Redundancy Rights, and How to Protect Your Employment Position

Hearing news of a redundancy consultation, or finding out that you will lose your job is always very tough. It often throws up a myriad of questions about when the role will cease, how much redundancy pay you’ll receive, and what happens about things like unpaid holiday leave.

Given the increase in redundancies over the past few months and the volume of enquiries we receive here at The Law Firm Group, this guide is intended to summarise some of the crucial information you need to know.

Employers may have little choice but to consider cutbacks and department closures, but at the same time, it’s essential to know what your rights are.

How To Calculate Your Redundancy Pay

The first question we’re often asked, by businesses and staff alike, is about the redundancy pay entitlement and how it is calculated.

Your redundancy payment depends on the type of role you have, how long you have been with the business, and your regular pay rate.

Note that in this article, we’ll run through the basic statutory redundancy rules. Some employers have more generous schemes, so it is strongly advisable to read your employment contract in detail to see what provisions are made.

Statutory redundancy is a matter of law, and you can get more information on the Gov.UK website.

If you’ve been told you aren’t getting any redundancy pay, please do get in touch to discuss, as if you are, you may need to move quickly to instigate a claim, particularly if your employer is closing down.

  • For every full calendar year, you have worked for the employer, under the age of 22, you are entitled to half of one week of your average pay.
  • For each full year worked between the ages of 22 and 41, you are entitled to a week’s pay.
  • Every full year worked at age 41 or older, entitles you to pay equivalent to one and a half weeks.

The weekly pay figure is based on the average of your weekly pay for the 12 weeks before the redundancy notice. If you’ve been on furlough, then the redundancy is still based on your regular income and is not reduced if you have been receiving 80% of your usual salary.

This figure is capped at £538 per week for redundancies after 6th April 2020. Your maximum statutory redundancy payment is £16,140 – although, again, do check your contract as this only applies to the statutory entitlement.

If your total redundancy pay, including any other discretionary payments or contractual obligations, is under £30,000, you will not need to pay any tax. You will need to pay tax and National Insurance on elements such as final wages, or unpaid holiday pay.

What is the Process for Making Staff Redundant?

Firstly, an employer needs to use a fair basis to decide which posts are being made redundant. They cannot select individual staff members, as it is the role within the business that is no longer required.

This basis is usually one of the following:

  • Most recent employees with the shortest service period are the first eligible candidates for redundancy.
  • Employers can ask staff to take voluntary redundancy and choose whether they wish to put themselves forward.
  • Performance such as disciplinary records, experience, skills and appraisal records can be considered.

In some cases, a selection process is not required as the company is shutting down the whole business, one department, or a particular function.

You MUST be offered an alternative post if possible. For example, if a business is closing one department but retaining another, they must offer vacancies to staff identified for redundancy.

If you feel that you have been selected for redundancy on an unfair basis, you may have a case for unfair dismissal. Do get in touch in this scenario, and we’ll be happy to work through the next steps with you.

There are also rules about the notice period:

  • If you’ve been in your role for between a month and two years, you must be given at least a week’s notice.
  • For employment between two and twelve years, you are entitled to one notice for each year of service.
  • Should you have been with the business for over 12 years, you should be given 12 weeks notices.

You can be given more notice, but cannot be given less – and should always receive your regular pay throughout the notice period, or pay in lieu of notice if the business cannot meet those timescales.

Do I Get a Say in Whether I am Made Redundant?

Redundancy can be extremely challenging for all concerned, and in some cases, an insolvent business cannot offer any alternative.

They should offer you the chance to have a consultation and participate in the process.

For example, you need to be able to ask about why you are being made redundant, and on what basis the candidates for redundancy have been selected.

You also have the right to explore alternatives to redundancy. There can be other options, such as:

  • Reducing your working hours to allow the business to retain the role, but on a lower cost and time basis.
  • Switching to another role within the business, or in a different department, within your same skill set.
  • Reorganising departments to reduce redundancies.
  • Undertaking new training to expand your skill set and limit the number of staff facing redundancy.

Larger employers or businesses making 20 or more roles redundant have to carry out a formal consultation process under the collective redundancy rules.

There aren’t specific rules for redundancies affecting fewer staff, but you still have the right to a dialogue and see if there are alternative options.

In most cases, if you are being made redundant or have received notice of redundancy, the immediate impact can be to experience anger, stress and upset – which is entirely normal and to be expected.

However, our advice would be to take the time to read through any correspondence you have received carefully, check the terms of your employment contract, and seek professional legal advice if you have any doubt about the legality or ethics involved.

Should an employer not have understood the redundancy rules, have failed to offer you the correct redundancy pay, or not have made arrangements for compensation in lieu of notice (PILON) where applicable, you can often resolve this quickly, with communication from your solicitor.

Many disputes are resolved faster, and will less of a cost impact, through amicable and reasonable discussion.

If you suspect that you have been dismissed unfairly, and your employer is unwilling to discuss the situation or reach a resolution, please contact your local The Law Firm Group offices, as you may have a claim for unfair or constructive dismissal.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Common Will Writing Mistakes, and How to Get it Right

Common Will Writing Mistakes, and How to Get it Right


There is no doubt that having a Will in place is important. It’s something we should all do, at any stage of our life, rather than leaving it until we’re past retirement!

However, all Wills are not created equal.

You’ll find countless discounted packages online offering you the chance to draw up your own Will. Bbut if the Will isn’t correctly witnessed, has grounds to be challenged, or doesn’t cover any crucial details in sufficient depth, it might just be a very expensive piece of paper.

Given how many people in the UK don’t have a Will in place or have a Will that wouldn’t hold water if it were called upon, The Law Firm Group has created this brief guide to run through some of the most common mistakes we come across.

We always stress that, if you’re looking to solidify your wishes and who your beneficiaries are, it is critical to consult an experienced solicitor who can ensure that your Will is up to date and watertight.

What Areas of my Assets and Finances Need to be Covered in a Will?

Before we consider the most important things to include in your Will, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on conditions outside of your finances.

Often we think of Wills as a list of inheritance recipients, but there are very many clauses that you can include that do not relate primarily to wealth:

Appointing Guardians

This means that you choose who will look after your children, with parental responsibility, if you pass away. This is a vital consideration since your chosen guardian will be responsible for everything from education to medical treatment.

Not appointing a guardian can mean that the courts will appoint somebody, which may not be the same person you would have selected.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Relatives

You may have elderly or vulnerable family members or dependents that you provide for.

A Will can include instructions about Trusts, funds, or living arrangements, such as supporting that person if you are no longer able to.

Property Ownership

If you have a joint mortgage or are named with a partner or spouse on a property deed, you may be able to stipulate in your Will what will happen with your share when you pass away. A lot depends on your specific circumstances.

In addition to these factors, it is best to take some time to think about your estate as a whole, to ensure that everything is covered.

It’s often apparent that cash savings, investments, property and cars might need to be provided for – but you’ll also need to consider overseas assets, joint ownerships and reviewing your Will periodically to keep it up to date.

The Most Common Mistakes That May Render a Will Invalid

Let’s look at some of the frequent issues we encounter with Wills, often which render them invalid.

      1. Making Incorrect Assumptions

This is more common than you might think! If you have created a Will and assumed that your partner would automatically receive your assets, and then your children together, you might be mistaken.

You must include your surviving partner as a beneficiary. If you do not, they could receive nothing.

While your children could agree to transfer ownership of the assets to your partner or agree to amend the Will, this will require time and costly legal expenses to rectify, even if it is an obvious error.

       2. Wills in Bad Condition

Another difficult error is where a Will has been prepared at home and has become worn, damaged or torn over time. Even having staples damage the paperwork can cause an issue, particularly if any wording has been obscured or isn’t legible.

In this situation, a Will might still be considered valid but the Probate Registry might require additional inspections be made before the Will can be executed.

       3. Failure to Name Partners or Stepchildren

The probate laws are somewhat out-dated and do not automatically recognise partners’ rights outside of marriage or a civil partnership. Likewise, they do not have any automatic recognition of stepchildren, even if you have been their primary parent and raised them in your home.

You must keep your Will updated and ensure that your desired beneficiaries are explicitly named to avoid any of your loved ones being left without an inheritance.

       4. A Will That Isn’t Legally Valid

A Will must be executed in accordance with the Wills Act 1837.

There are several conditions under which a Will can be contested, and while this can be a costly process, it is not unheard of to have a Will rejected on the grounds of:

  • The deceased did not have the capacity to understand what their Will said.
  • The deceased did not approve terms included within the Will.
  • One of the beneficiaries put ‘undue influence’ on the deceased for their benefit.
  • The Will not being executed correctly in line with the law.

For example, if a person with dementia amended their Will, during a period of improved health, it would be possible for a non-beneficiary to challenge that Will on the grounds that the deceased did not have the mental capacity to make the relevant changes.

In this scenario, an experienced solicitor would have made recommendations to authenticate the Will writer’s capacity and verify their wellbeing at the time of the amendments.

Likewise, suppose a Will is significantly weighted in favour of one beneficiary. In that case, another could challenge that if they believe there was any coercion – although this is difficult to prove, and such a case would be unusual.

More likely, the Will isn’t valid simply because it hasn’t been appropriately signed.

This error can be extremely frustrating, but if the deceased did not sign their Will with two witnesses physically present, the Will is invalid.

What Can I do if a Family Member’s Will is Incorrect?

If you believe that a family member has created a Will incorrectly, or failed to update it and inadvertently left assets to a beneficiary that they had not intended, it is possible to contest a Will.

There can be steep levels of proof required, and you would need to evidence one of the scenarios mentioned earlier.

Contesting a Will can also be extremely expensive, depending on the scope of the hearings. Costs in this sort of contentious scenario can escalate fast. Given that such disputes are usually between family members and concern significant amounts of money, it is a scenario that nobody would wish for.

Therefore, The Law Firm Group strongly advises everybody to think about their Will.

  • If you don’t have one, it’s time to put one in place.
  • If you have a Will and it was written some time ago, it’s wise to review it.
  • If you created a Will but your circumstances have changed, an update is essential.

Get in touch with our teams at any of our UK offices, and we’ll arrange a good time to talk about creating or updating your Will to ensure that, when the time comes, your wishes will be borne out just as you require.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Five Reasons Why Granting Power of Attorney is Crucial

Five Reasons Why Granting Power of Attorney is Crucial

Five Reasons Why Granting Power of Attorney is Crucial

Most of us will think about crucial factors such as our Will, and make it a priority to update and review from time to time, or when our circumstances change.

However, a power of attorney is often overlooked and it can be one of the most important things you need to have organised.

In this article, we’ll explain what a power of attorney is, what it means, and why it is essential to consider whether it will be valuable for you.

What is Lasting Power of Attorney?

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legally recognised document and determines who has the authority, granted by you, to make decisions on your behalf.

There are many reasons when you might need somebody you trust to be able to take over managing your affairs – for example, if you are unwell, have suffered an accident, or have connectivity or travel restrictions that prevent you from signing a document or representing your own interests.

Here at The Law Firm Group, we can advise on, and prepare, two primary LPA types. One relates to your health and welfare, and the other to property and financial affairs.

You can draw up one LPA document giving authority to a party to act for you, or both.

An attorney can be:

  • A friend or relative.
  • Your spouse or partner.
  • A professional such as your solicitor.

If you would like to create an LPA and need advice about the most suitable attorney, do get in touch.

There will be an obvious choice in a relative or partner who you trust to make the right decisions, for some people. In others, it might be preferable to appoint a professional representative to look after any affairs with the right skill and knowledge.

Why is Granting Power of Attorney So Important?

We’d all like to think that we will be healthy, well, and easily able to manage our own finances and wellbeing for many years to come.

That said, having a contingency plan can be a weight off of your shoulders. If you are unwell, you have somebody you have selected who will make sure your wishes are fulfilled.

There are many different scenarios where not having an appointed attorney can be stressful, costly and time-consuming.

For example, suppose you were unwell and didn’t have an attorney in place. In that case, your family may need to apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputy to be appointed to act for you – this can delay any crucial decisions to your care, and can also be an expensive process.

Here are some of the most important reasons to set up an LPA:

  1. Managing your finances – if you need urgent care, especially if you are travelling abroad, you will need somebody with authority to approve payments from your bank accounts, communicate with lenders, and authorise remittances to cover bills.
  2. Collecting pension funds – likewise, if you are unable to collect your pension benefits, you could suffer financially. Having an LPA in place means that your chosen attorney can collect pension benefits on your behalf.
  3. Medical care decisions – should you be injured or ill, you may need medical care. An attorney can make sound decisions about what care you receive, whether to transfer your care to a private facility, and whether to approve life-sustaining treatment.
  4. Choices around care home residency – many people move to a care home or supported living facility if they reach a certain age and feel unable to cope independently, or need assistance with day-to-day needs to make them more comfortable. An attorney can make those decisions with you and choose a care facility that aligns with your wishes and needs.
  5. Selling a property – commonly, if you do move into a care facility or require a different living space, you might wish to sell your home or property to release capital to cover your costs. In this case, an attorney can approve the sale of your home, negotiate on listing prices, and manage the process for you.

As we can see, an attorney can help make the right decisions on your behalf from managing your finances to deciding where you live, appointing healthcare providers to paying your bills.

There are many different options, from whom you appoint as your attorney to what power they have. For example, you can stipulate in what scenarios your attorney will step in, or what events must transpire that will mean their power of attorney comes into play.

Can I Grant Power of Attorney For My Business?

You sure can – business owners will usually have worked extremely hard to build up their company, and will be keen to ensure that, should anything happen, their firm will be protected.

Having an LPA for a business means that, if you were unwell or unable to deal with business matters, your attorney could:

  • Approve payment of employee wages, tax bills and VAT liabilities.
  • Discharge debts and manage any litigation proceedings.
  • Appoint managers or directors to take things over for you.
  • Deal with property sales or purchases.
  • Sell the business, or wind it up.

A Business Lasting Power of Attorney (BLPA) is slightly different than a private LPA, but in essence, provides the same safety net – that you have chosen who will take care of your business if you are not in a position to do so.

Once you have set up either an LPA or BLPA, it’s also important to review this periodically and evaluate what powers you have granted.

This isn’t only important to ensure you update whom your attorneys are, but to remain compliant with the current documentation style, which is legally valid and easily recognised by banks or lenders your attorney may have to deal with.

If you are interested in learning more about power of attorney, who it is most relevant to, and how it can protect your interests whatever the future may bring, get in touch with The Law Firm Group‘s friendly team to get started.

Call or email us to talk about it. 0300 303 3805

Is your Will up to date?
Our Wills, Trusts & Probate Department offers a thorough, professional and personal service. Our specialised team will help you to plan for the future to ensure peace of mind for your loved ones.
Call us on 0300 303 3805 to discuss your requirements today.